So there I was, standing in the middle of the post office parking lot, scantily clad in my yoga outfit, with my sanity hanging by a thread—thinner than my flip-flops. My car was still idling in the drive-thru lane, my little red dog darting around sniffing trees, and my dignity slipping away faster than I could chase after it.
We had worked on recall, and she was doing so well! I had foolishly thought we had mastered the art of "Stay." But she is Rogue, and Rogue does as she pleases. And that day, her pleasure was deeply rooted in keeping me humble.
My name is Jamie, and this is the story of what inspired me to start The Unleashed Chronicles.
In a time of Instagram selfies and TikTok reels featuring perfectly posed and well-behaved dogs, here I was—supposedly an ambassador for the breed and a responsible dog owner—blocking traffic to the mailboxes while my dog ran loose through the parking lot. I looked, and felt, like an idiot.
It had started like any other mail drop day—I pulled up to the mailboxes at my local post office and went to launch my envelopes into the slot. I say launch because I drive a short car, and I'm a short girl. Well, my envelopes didn’t quite make the leap. So, I unbuckled and opened my door to stand. Just as the envelopes finally made it in past the point of no return... so did Rogue.
Out of my peripheral vision, I saw the red blur of fur dart past my leg. No worries! She's been super good on recall lately. "Rogue, Heel!" I commanded with such confidence. And let me tell you—if a dog could laugh, she would have.
And so, there I was. The idiot.
I’m pretty sure my face was as red as Rogue’s fur because I could feel the embarrassment burning hot. Did I mention I have custom license plates? Yeah. So, while I was doing the flip-flop hop after my escape artist, my brand was on full display—front and center—for everyone I was inconveniencing.
As I drove away from the scene of the crime, I remember thinking:
Maybe this is the part of dog ownership that should be shown.
The raw and the messy. The imperfect. The training mishaps, the learning experiences... the NORMAL.
And with that, welcome to The Unleashed Chronicles, where the chaos is real, the love is endless, and the journey is anything but perfect.
If you're looking for a community that embraces the messy, unfiltered reality of life with dogs—the chewed shoes, the muddy paw prints, and the heart-melting moments in between—you’ve found your people. Here, we celebrate the highs, laugh through the lows, and connect over the beautifully imperfect adventure of being a dog parent.
So, grab a coffee (and maybe a lint roller), and let’s navigate this wild ride together!